Misti Doherty

Finding the right agent may be as difficult and as important as buying/selling your home. I am the right agent for you. During my nearly 20 year career in Emergency Medicine I found that beyond the medical skills needed, my adaptable personality and ability to work under stressful situations made me a great EMT. I’ve carried this skill over into my Real Estate career as well. Just like when you’re faced with an emergency, when buying/selling your home you need to relate and trust your realtor. A realtor must learn their customer’s needs and be committed to helping them meet those needs. This is a skill I use on a daily basis in my work, my time as a coach for youth sports in Torrington as well as with my position on the Torrington Little League Board.

In my time as a Realtor I have worked with sellers, homebuyers, including first-time homebuyers and specialized in vacation homes as a Realtor in the state of Maine. I look forward to helping you reach all your real estate needs in the Litchfield Hills area.
